

Hello, I’m Kimi. Recently, I’ve been toying around with the idea of setting up a blog for myself, and happened to stumble upon Hugo. Most web technologies give me a headache, but Hugo seems to be simple enough that even I can wrap my head around it, so I’m giving it a go.

For the most part I’m planning to write about various projects I have (unique, I know) and maybe some occasional cool technical facts I run into. I don’t really plan on doing anything regular, and posts will be sporadic and likely pretty rare (if I can bother writing posts at all, we shall see). Regarding my projects, I don’t intend this blog to be particularly formal, ‘documentation like’, rather more free form. In particular, I tend to really enjoy reading about why a certain approach or design decision was chosen, which more formal documentation tends to not include.

I’m interested in operating systems and machine architectures and stuff in that general area, and most of my hobby projects are things related to those topics. In particular, I’ve recently been pretty enamoured with trinary computing, and I’ve started work on a trinary instruction set and associated assembler, simulator and disassembler. My eventual goal would be to develop an operating system for the ISA, capable of at least running some simple shell environment on an actual FPGA. It would be nice to have a proper programming language for this, which would mean writing a compiler from scratch as I don’t think any existing compiler architectures would really work for a trinary system. I already have some less-than-half finished prototypes for different components of this system, but I of course realize that actually getting to a somewhat usable state is a pretty massive undertaking. At least I’ll have things to do and stuff to learn for the next 10, 20 years or so :)

The first few blog posts will probably be short introductions to some of my projects, just for me to practice working with Hugo and to explore different features.